Should Big Data always be Big?

Yesterday evening the first MeetUp was organized at the IBBT in Ghent. The intention of this meeting is to bring together Belgian Big Data and NoSQL enthusiasts. It’s an ideal opportunity to share thoughts and experiences with a mix of people, each having different backgrounds and levels of expertise with Big Data and NoSQL.

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Big Data Genomics – How to efficiently store and retrieve mutation data

[information] This blog post is the first one in a series of articles that describe the use of NoSQL databases to efficiently store and retrieve mutation data. 1. Part one introduces the notion of mutation data and describes the conceptual use of the Cassandra NoSQL datastore. [/information] The only way to learn a new technology

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Big Data / Concise Articles

Through this blog, we will try to keep you posted on our NoSQL escapades. Our goal is to provide you biweekly with a (technical) article that highlights a particular NoSQL aspect. Each technical article will be a self-contained piece of knowledge that can easily be digested and applied. Code samples will be made available through our github repository. Expect

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