Category mongodb

Graphs, Graphs, Graphs, …

Last week, Datablend open-sourced two new Tinkerpop Blueprints implementations: blueprints-mongodb-graph and blueprints-datomic-graph. Tinkerpop is an open source project that provides an entire stack of technologies within the Graph Database space. At the core of this stack is the Blueprints framework. Blueprints can be considered as the JDBC of Graph Databases. By providing a collection of

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The joy of algorithms and NoSQL revisited: the MongoDB Aggregation Framework

[information] Part 1 of this article describes the use of MongoDB to implement the computation of molecular similarities. Part 2 discusses the refactoring of this solution by making use of MongoDB’s build-in map-reduce functionality to improve overall performance. Part 3 finally, illustrates the use of the new MongoDB Aggregation Framework, which boosts performance beyond the

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The joy of algorithms and NoSQL: a MongoDB example (part 2)

[information] Part 1 of this article describes the use of MongoDB to implement the computation of molecular similarities. Part 2 discusses the refactoring of this solution by making use of MongoDB’s build-in map-reduce functionality to improve overall performance. [/information] In part 1 of this article, I described the use of MongoDB to solve a specific

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The joy of algorithms and NoSQL: a MongoDB example (part 1)

[information] Part 1 of this article describes the use of MongoDB to implement the computation of molecular similarities. Part 2 discusses the refactoring of this solution by making use of MongoDB’s build-in map-reduce functionality to improve overall performance. [/information] In one of my previous blog posts, I debated the superficial idea that you should own

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